Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I'm learning all about my new baby feeding boobs!


It started fairly early into the pregnancy...I'd undress and notice a bit of some strange white crust in my bra. What is THIS?! Well it doesn't hurt, must be nothing.

Now both sides are in full leak, and every day I make sure I spend some time squeezing it out so that by the time Runa gets here I will already have a good handle on how to help her nurse it out. I have been told with good practice my milk will come in 2 days after she is born, and in that 2 days she will feed off the colostrum and her "brown fat" that all babies are born with for those first 2 brand new days of life here.

It started as clear liquid, but now there are 2 types which mix once they work their way out. One is clear and one is a rich golden color. At first it made my nipples dry to coax it out but now it makes them soft. They still get a little dry but not like before. I am hoping to avoid as much of the nipple discomfort of newly nursing breasts as possible. By then it will be a bit warmer, so I do hope that will help.

Our exam with Rowan today went well. ^_^ I now weigh 142.4 pounds, and it's all baby. My last weigh in was 141. So Runa is gaining about a half a pound per week.

I was concerned that if Runa comes early Rowan may still be on vacation with her family, but she said Runa will be on time or late, and be in the 7 pound range. ^_^ That was majorly comforting. Once again, Runa favors the proper birthing position. Back always on my left side, head down, hiney pointed into my rib cage.

I feel very blessed to have had such a perfect pregnancy for my's been a struggle for me but for Runa it has been gentle and just perfect.

I have decided to look into teaching Hypno Birth in Carlisle at Simple Well. I felt that our classes were a bit far to travel and I didn't feel as connected to the teacher as I felt I could have been.

There are amazing things happening in Carlisle with Simply Well from an amazing Chiropractic practice to mothering support groups and all kinds of yoga classes! I'm feeling so glad that there is such a warm web of support for the way I want to raise my daughter. Also, immediately next to the Simply Well house is a Whole Foods store, AND some of my favorite shopping locations and restaurants in Carlisle right with in one block!!

Well, I'm off to relax a bit and try to find a comfortable position to sleep in...I've been battling the stomach flu I picked up from my husband while trying to finish up a big portrait commission and make time to nap. I'm really over a burning tummy after everything I eat...however hot water with a little honey seems to fix it up for a while.


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