Sunday, August 7, 2011

Oh my sweet Runa Tuna..

In 6 days you will be 5 months old! You are the most wonderful thing in my life.

Where ever we go people love you. We were walking in town and a little boy on a bike saw you in the Moby wrap and said energetically, "I like your baby!" That little boy didn't realize that is one of the best compliments I could ever imagine. You seem to like people a great deal. Even while you look at them suspiciously I can tell you generally like energy weaving among people you aren't familiar with.

Lately you are doing so many new things I can hardly keep up! You reach and grab SO WELL it astonishes me every time. You laugh and squeek and cough and coo... You see entities I do not see, and have hilarious conversations with them. I wish I were in on the joke!!

You are really rolling yourself over well now, and I can see hints of you starting to figure out the arms part of crawling. You don't sit up on your own too hot, so it may be another month til I can put you in your Bumbo seat without being able to leave your chubby side.

Your laugh is PRICELESS. Your open mouthed baby kisses coat me in thick slobber and it's hilarious and gross and I love it. You have found your feet and it makes changing your cloth diapers (at 7 a.m. when I am groggy and grumpy and you are yelling at me) very difficult!! You have your feet in your mouth as much as possible.

You met the lady we named you after last week and she loved you. I think you really brightened her day! I am so proud of you, you do very well at church and ceremonies like your Aunt's graduation. As long as I am on top of your signals you are quiet and while this is no small job, I feel blessed every day that my child knows how to communicate to me with out being able to speak or use words.

You are my pride and joy, little baby.